I have been playing around with the spine godot 4.2.1 stable. It seems that if I use the same way of flipping spine boy as that used in example 4 get_skeleton().set_scale_x(-1)
. This appears to work fine until I try setting a bone transform off the world_transforms_changed
signal. If I set a bone transform while the sprite is scaled in the -1 x, the sprite will flash between what I expect to see, as well as another that appears to be flipped on the -1 x and -1 y with broken feet animations (toes are facing the wrong direction during the walk animation).
The most basic way to reproduce what I am seeing is make a scene that contains a SpineSprite with a skeleton on it (I used spineboy from the examples), attach the following script to it, and attach the world_transforms_changed to the script.
extends SpineSprite
func _ready():
get_animation_state().set_animation("walk", true, 0)
func _on_world_transforms_changed(spine_sprite):
var newTransform :Transform2D = get_global_bone_transform("root")
set_global_bone_transform("root", newTransform)
I shrunk the test down to just using the root transform and setting it back onto the root bone to reduce the clutter of the IK code I have been attempting to do.
I am wondering if anyone has a good way to flip the skeleton on on the x while using custom bone transforms?