ECG_Kinsey 我的环境为LTS Unity 2022.3.21f1, spine-unity 4.1 我有一个角色,他有多个材质,引用了2个图集 该角色在多次克隆之后,该角色的渲染层级出现异常,在数量6个的时候正常,第7个的时候会出现异常 请问这个问题是什么原因导致的,是否我哪个步骤做的不正确导致了这个问题,求助
Misaki ECG_Kinsey This is because Unity's batcher can sometimes incorrectly regroup attachment polygons of multiple skeletons when it tries to optimize draw calls for you. Please refer to the following section in the documentation for more information: spine-unity 运行时文档 #防止排序错误 The following video may also be helpful: 【[spine-unity] 常见导入问题解答】 【精准空降到 07:37】