
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@esotericsoftware/spine-player@4.1.*/dist/iife/spine-player.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@esotericsoftware/spine-player@4.1.*/dist/spine-player.css">

<div id="player-container" style="width: 100%; height: 100vh;"></div>

new spine.SpinePlayer("player-container", {
jsonUrl: "10030_skin_Wolframite03/10030_skin_Wolframite03.skel",
atlasUrl: "10030_skin_Wolframite03/10030_skin_Wolframite03.atlas"

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The error occurs when the bounds have a NaN (not a number):

Skeleton getBounds is defined here:
It collects the vertices for region and mesh attachments and finds the minimal and maximal vertices to determine the skeleton's bounds.

Most likely one of the mesh attachments has an invalid (NaN) vertex. The can occur if the mesh is bound to a bone that is in a skin, but the skin is not visible. Since the bone is not visible, the mesh vertices weighted to that bone cannot be computed and will be NaN. That situation will show up in the editor with a yellow warning !:
Do you have any of these warning icons in your project in the Spine editor? If so, you should fix them before exporting your skeleton data. We plan to add a "Problems" view to show the reason they appear as text, but we don't have that yet. Make sure all skin bones the mesh is bound to are in the same skin as the attachment.



    .skel is normally the file extension used for binary, but your file is JSON. You should rename it to .json, as some tools assume the file type from the extension.

    The HTML you showed uses 4.1 while your skeleton data is from 3.8. The runtime version must match the editor version used to export the data, see:
    You can change the 4.1 version numbers in your HTML to 3.8.

    There is a spine-player for 3.8, but it doesn't have as many features as 4.1. To use 4.1 you would need to export the data again with 4.1. To do that, import your JSON into 3.8, save a .spine project file, then open that with 4.1 and export.


      <script src="https://unpkg.com/@esotericsoftware/spine-player@3.8.*/dist/iife/spine-player.js"></script>
      <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@esotericsoftware/spine-player@3.8.*/dist/spine-player.css">

      <div id="player-container" style="width: 100%; height: 100vh;"></div>

      new spine.SpinePlayer("player-container", {
      jsonUrl: "10030_skin_Wolframite03/10030_skin_Wolframite03.json",
      atlasUrl: "10030_skin_Wolframite03/10030_skin_Wolframite03.atlas"

        orangestar Nate

        Hi Nate, the oldest version I can find on NPMJS is 4.0.1, so it's not uncommon to see 404 on UNPKG CDN. Is there any possible misunderstanding?

        And orangestar, since the HTML and data versions do not match, and HTML cannot find the 3.8.* version, why not try upgrading data to the latest? XD

        • A Nate le gusta esto.

        Oh, sorry about that. On Monday I will ask my colleagues about the status of 3.8 on unpkg.

        You can always build the spine-player for 3.8 or any other version from source. For your convenience I did so and here are the 3.8 files:
        You will need to host them yourself.

        3.8 is very old. Using 4.1 would be much better.

        Charles 谢谢你的回答,确实我更换为4.1后能够成功运行了,感谢你提供的思路。我已经解决问题了,谢谢。

        • A Nate le gusta esto.