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從 匯入專案 > 動畫 後,匯入的動畫播放速度變成2倍速。
從 匯入專案 > 動畫 後,匯入的動畫播放速度變成2倍速。
Hello, I tried reproducing your issue but was unable to reproduce it on Spine 4.1.18 on Linux. Is your default timeline FPS set to the same timeline FPS when the project was initially exported?
If you adjust the playback FPS or speed via the Playback view, does it enable you to see the animation at the speed it should be playing rather than 2x speed, or is there no change?
Also, have you tested it in any versions other than Spine 4.1.18 (4.1.24, etc)?
If so, could you provide us with an example project that may be able to help us diagnose your issue?