@pvalium The problem shown in your reproduction project is that your 2.5D shader project everything onto a single plane, effectively removing the Z-spacing offset of attachments again.
The fix would be to change the following line in unity-URP-2.5D-lit-shader-main/LitForwardPass.hlsl
float4 planeOutPos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(rayStart + rayDir * dist, 1.0));
float4 planeOutPos = mul(UNITY_MATRIX_VP, float4(rayStart + rayDir * (dist - IN.positionOS.z), 1.0));
Or if you don't need the shader to write to the depth buffer, instead of the above line in unity-URP-2.5D-lit-shader-main/SpritesLit.shader
change the first occurrance of ZWrite On
to ZWrite Off
. Then you can set Z-Spacing
to 0 at the SkeletonAnimation