• RuntimesUnreal
  • Strange results in Unity, possibly due to transform constraint?

  • Editado

Hey there,
Can you guys help me out here, we're a bit stuck in figuring out a strange result in Unity. Spine file is 4.1, Runtime is 4.1. Exported with animation clean up turned off. You can see in the screen recording the right foot is distorted- but there is no visible distortion in Spine. In addition, the left foot uses the same system, but looks fine, and the right foot works fine in most animations, including other animations that also use transform constraint keys on the bones. Any guidance on what's going on here would be very appreciated, thanks!

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    Note: This is video is slightly out of date in that we already changed the mix to 0, but that didn't have any result.

    AnnaB I'm sorry to hear you're having trouble. I exported the Spine project you attached and imported the skeleton into a Unity project and tried to play the animation in the Preview section of the Inspector window as you tested, but I could not reproduce the same issue. So could you please tell us exactly what version of the Spine editor and the spine-unity runtime you are using?
    For the Spine editor, please tell us the version including the patch version, e.g. 4.1.24.
    For the spine-unity runtime, if you installed via unitypackage, the exact version is the name of the package, e.g. spine-unity-4.1-2023-10-06. If you installed via Package Manager, the version is listed in the package manager.

    Hey there, we have tried:
    Spine 4.0.64 with spine-unity-4.0-2022-09-26.unitypackage
    Spine 4.1.24 with spine-unity-4.1-2023-10-06.unitypackage

    Both gave us this same problem

    @AnnaB Thanks for reporting and sorry for the troubles! This issue only occurs when exporting as .json, and not when exporting as binary skel.bytes. In general it is recommended to export your assets in binary format since file size will be smaller and load times will be shorter in your game.

    Nevertheless we will of course happily fix this issue for .json exports. We will get back to you here on the forum once we have a bugfix ready.

    Thanks so much! Yes that fixed it. Greatly appreciated 🙂

    Glad to hear, thanks for confirming! 🙂