• Editor
  • Weird export issues from Spine to Unity

Hello forum...
I, 'm having strange issues when I export my animations to Unity... Need to know where to find the error but I, 'm quite lost because is not a consistent error.
For example, I see that Ik constraints are reversed but in certain parts of the body (not all the skeleton) just the arms.
Also, I see scaling sprites issues (the head is good scaled but the arm is 0.5 the real size... Not sure why is so different the export... Any idea where I should look to solve these errors?
Many Thanks.
(The first image is the model in Spine, and the second picture is the same animation model imported into Unity).

    Related Discussions

    Ontheroof Could you please check if the skeleton can be displayed correctly in the Preview section of the Inspector window?: https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity#Preview
    If it displays correctly in the preview, it should be an implementation problem. If it does not display correctly even in the preview, the problem may be due to corrupted data at the time of export from Spine, or the spine-unity runtime is not installed correctly.

    If it seems to be an implementation issue, please provide information such as which component you are instantiating the skeleton with (SkeletonAnimation, SkeletonGraphic or SkeletonMecanim?), material settings, etc.

    If the skeleton does not display correctly even in the Preview, try using Skeleton Viewer to see if it displays correctly. If it still does not display correctly there, it may be a bug in the Spine editor, so please email us your Spine project: contact@esotericsoftware.com

    un mes más tarde

    Many Thanks Misaki <3 I found the solution 4 it 🙂