
Software translation: I hope Spine can provide slot specific display functionality in future version updates. For creating bones for components located behind the image. The current version is not very convenient for creating and determining the position of such bones. It is often necessary to turn off the display of the slot located above this component or switch between selecting the component to turn off image display and creating a bone button. I hope to display the contents of the slots separately when creating bones.
If this feature is already available or if there is user feedback, please allow me to apologize for not finding it.

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    Voice-of-Shadow 谢谢你的建议! 事实上,我们有一个问题单,在我们的路线图上添加类似的功能:

    Thank you for your suggestion! Actually, we have an issue ticket to add similar functionality on our roadmap:
    I have added a comment with the url of this thread on it. You can subscribe to the issue ticket, then you will receive additional notifications upon any progress.


      Software translation: Thank you, I will follow this progress

      15 días más tarde
