• Rig Setup Inquiry

Hi Erika!

Sorry you haven't heard from me in so long! The previous project just couldn't seem to get itself off the ground enough for us to move forward and need to animate our character, so we ended up putting it on pause for a time when we had more resources to devote.

However, we did begin another project that's a side-scroller and I wanted to see if your awesome services were still available to rig our main character.

This project's main character is a fantasy creature that most closely resembles a snail, but it has a very stretchy, sticky tongue that it uses to swing, stick, fling and launch itself and other objects around the scene.

We're looking to use physics to handle a lot of the larger movements with small animations that apply directional force to get things going. We'd like to have our slug stick to many different surface angles with both its feet and tongue, which makes us think we need some kind of IK setup alongside Spine's 2D physics tools.

Here's some pictures of our character to give you a better idea: https://imgur.com/a/bMcW1hc

We're ready to move forward on the rig immediately and would love to know what your availability looks like!


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Hello and nice to hear from you 😃

When you say you're ready to move to rigging immediately, does it mean the artwork is all ready? it would be lovely to be able to preview the pieces as well as have a list of the animations it is supposed to be able to do, although the sketches are definitely helpful.

I'm asking this because I notice the snail should be able to do a movement that doesn't usually look great if a texture is drawn already bent and I'd love to help plan this part to go as smoothly as possible. In short, the best rig option would feature a straight snail body that I'd later bend in Spine.

(I even made a tip to explain this here at some point: Spine: Tips: 34 bent vs straight mesh )

I already have a project I'm finishing but I might be able to take this on already since it should be faster than the super complicated turnaround character I'm working on at the moment.

My email is erikari (at) hotmail (dot) com if you want to reach out with further details.

Have a nice day!


Hey Erika,

I tried sending you an email at erikari (at) hotmail (dot) com but it's telling me the email is invalid. (I'm of course removing the words 'at' and 'dot' and replacing them with the appropriate symbols).

My email is <removed> if you'd like to send me a quick test email that I can respond to.


Oh, it's (dot) it and not com, my bad.

emails written the normal way get removed by the forum for security reasons