• Showcase
  • HonorBound Released

Hey Folks!

We've just released our first title as a mobile game studio: HonorBound

HonorBound uses spine extensively to power our 300+ unique characters on 12 rigs

We shared some of our early character designs in this thread (though our design has shifted quite a bit since then 🙂)


Our game was featured two weeks in a row by Apple and by the Google Play Store, give it a shot here:

iOS - https://itunes.apple.com/app/honorbound ... 81559?mt=8
Android - https://play.google.com/store/apps/deta ... ound&hl=en
Kindle - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00HRG ... d_i=507846

We simply could not have made HonorBound without Spine and will continue to use and support this awesome tool


Related Discussions

Remember seeing those animations a while back =) It inspired me to buy a professional licence myself.
The game looks amazing!

It's super cool, congrats on the release! I played to level 6 or so, I look forward to seeing the depth of the battle system. The animations, art, sound, polish

everything is impeccable. Great job!

Do you mind if I ask how many people worked on the game and for how long? 🙂

Hey Nate,


Our team is about 14 people (6 engineers, 4 artists, 2 animators, 2 designers, 1 pm) - it took us about 6 months to build the game 🙂

4 días más tarde

Can I know how many people and roles are involved in the development of your game jmcguirk?

Gallo, he gave that information literally in the post before yours. :p

jmcguirk, can I ask which game toolkit did you use? 🙂

Unity, right? (woo!)

Yup - we're using Unity. Using a fork of the first generation tk2d spine runtime.

We're missing a lot of cool stuff that you guys have done recently, so might be time to upgrade our runtime 🙂

2 meses más tarde

Hey guys, game looks great. How did you implement sound effects? Is there a way to play sound files in Spine?

Spine doesn't play sounds, but you can add events to animations and use those at runtime to play sounds.