• Editor
  • Traditional animation - question

Hey guys,

I have a project where I need to create a bunch o smoke circles. I have decide to animate those in photoshop and then export image sequence to spine. And there would not by to much problems if I need to have one instance of it, but I need several of them so every time when I copy the bone with slot and images, my keyframe order is deleted and I need manually key every image.

Is there something that I'm missing or that's the way how spine works right now?

Thanks in advance!

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  • Editado

Yeah. I was running into a similar problem recently while making effects too. Seems like Spine doesn't duplicate keys when you duplicate bones(its children) yet.

But my keys were translate and scale keys. Not attachment keys.

Aye, keys aren't duplicated when you duplicate a bone. The tricky part on my end is mostly just managing all the data when a bone/attachment/slot/etc is duplicated, and also how to prompt the user in the UI. Soeren and I discussed this before and I think we figured that it wasn't too useful, but I think the use case we considered was different. It seems useful for effects needed in multiple places. Task:
https://trello.com/c/2z9SvE5x/118-copy- ... e-slot-etc

Here's an idea, you could use the unreleased skeleton attachment. Eg, here are two spineboys attached to the goblin's hands:
Eh, the export didn't compute the image bounds correctly and the spineboys should be playing the walk animation... but the idea would be your effect is a separate skeleton you an attach as many times as you want. It'll be some time before I have a chance to polish the feature though.