• Art

Well true- these are not as minimalistic as it could be, and some assets in these example would require some drawing skills, like the huses and the like.
But if you start breaking each illustration down into the seperate assets that make them up e.g. tree01, tree02, bridge. yada yada yada, it starts becoming aloooot simpler- also alot simpler to understand and recreate.

Illustrator would be one way of doing this, but this looks more like photoshop to me.
From what I can tell, id say its its rough one colored shaped, with 1 or 2 tones of shadig, and than some kind of texture multiplied/overlayed on top.

actually- the process for most illustration and the like is pretty simple once you know how its done, but its the skill of those artist, that when trying to achieve the same thing, it seems so much harder for you/me etc.

If you want, this week I have a fairly relaxed time frame, and I wanted to try this style myself, maybe for a future project or something like that, and maybe we can whip up a little
Workshop or somethin.

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That would be slick. All would be needed for the workshop would be Photoshop yes? You are in Germany correct? I believe you are about 7 hours ahead 🙂 9:30am my time is 4:30pm your time.

Let me know though when you'd plan this and I would work my schedule around. Do you do these things on Twitch or some other streaming site or just youtube or something?

actually, i never made a workshop before xD
i would probably do that very much going by the flow.

Yes im in Germany- I usually use this site to plan my International Interactions when for example freelancing. http://www.worldtimebuddy.com/?pl=1&lid=2950159,12,208,8&h=2950159
I'm gonna be out of the house tomorrow all day, but thurday or friday we definitly could do something.

I could probably use twitch- i know I have an account lurking somewhere, skype screenshare i also a valid option. I didnt know Youtube had live-streams O.o

Yes, Spine and Photoshop is basicly all you need, or well, a image cration software of you choice, mine happens to be photoshop

How would thursday or friday 7 or 8 pm (CET) sound for you?
That would be 11am / 12 pm (PDT)

what would you like to learn, i guess ure most interested in the workflow right before Spine ?

That is exactly what I would be interested in. Spine I think I can do as a non artist guy but the workflow before so I know what id need to learn or get good at. I know I am not an artist and wouldn't claim my art could be that of an artist with training but at least it might help me to build better looking prototypes to get more people excited for projects etc. 🙂

Friday at your 8pm would be great (that would actually be 1pm my time I am on MST or MDT I guess they use). Though it is middle of workday for me I can take an hour (just move my lunch) or what not and I won't have photoshop just gimp. LOL. Ever do weekends?

haha, actually i wouldnt mind doing it on a weekend- but there ud be at the mercy of my girlfriend ;D

However - she usually hops in on either friday evening or Sat noon,
so if you want, we could also go for saturday morning my time ?
I usually go hit the sheeds arround 1 - 3 am so if im not mistaken, that would be arround 6 - 8pm your time. i could also try and stay awake a while longer, i wouldnt mind, and wouldnt be the first =D

Also, if you know your basic way arround the Interface of Gimp, you should be able to follow easily, as im mostly using simple tools like: painbrush, Lasso, Paintbucket, Masks, and maybe some layerstyles. But as far as I know, Gimp should actually have tools that behave very similiarly, I just couldnt point out where to find them, or what the hotkeys are.

Do you want me to prepare a twich stream? personally i would prefer skype though, as its my main communication tool anyways-
also- im trying to get this thing http://de.esotericsoftware.com/forum/Spine-Skype-Hangout-5350 allive- if your interested feel free to join,
otherwise, no pressure using skype ;D im also okay going with twitch

Skype is fine. Though Saturday could work before like 6pm my time so before 1am i think your time? Normally weekends open for me but we are having a halloween/birthday party this saturday 😃 We can figure this out, I am totally excited. Thursday or friday at 1pm my time (again 8 pm your time I think) works too I can make gimp work no issue.

Aren't we all always at the mercy of the girlfriends? 😃

Alright- then how bout we stick to Thursday 1pm you time before something gets the chance to intervene =D
I must say im quite looking forward to this- as the only teaching experience I have so was teaching a group of Middle-schoolers about basic Photoshop, and Art for Games.

just add me on Skype: tobias.breitenbach
and hit me up on thursday arround 1pm ure time =D
Dont worry if its a bit sooner or later.
I should be available almost all day on Skype and am not bound by the 8pm.

So this web site does not always show me when I have a PM. I missed this 🙁

"Alright- then how bout we stick to Thursday 1pm you time before something gets the chance to intervene =D
I must say im quite looking forward to this- as the only teaching experience I have so was teaching a group of Middle-schoolers about basic Photoshop, and Art for Games.

just add me on Skype: tobias.breitenbach
and hit me up on thursday arround 1pm ure time =D
Dont worry if its a bit sooner or later.
I should be available almost all day on Skype and am not bound by the 8pm."

I am so sorry, since you said this is 20$ an hour for your time please give me your pay pal and I will send you an hrs worth of time. I feel horrible I missed this message (it is now 8pm my time so like 3am) . Again I am very sorry, I could do 1pm saturday my time again. I will mark it down AND check the inbox too here since it doesnt always tell me when I have a message waiting 🙁

Haha, this is definitly not smart of me, but this was not a contract service, but more of a friendly help ;D I never expected to get any money for it in the first place
I admit I was a little confused when u didnt show up, but its okay.
I to have had situation where you missed something important- shit happens.

Well, just gotta see when we both have time to repeat this, my weekend is reserved for my GF (or id be in some deeeeeeep shit) ^^'
When would be good for you ?

codejoy escribió

So this web site does not always show me when I have a PM. I missed this 🙁

"Alright- then how bout we stick to Thursday 1pm you time before something gets the chance to intervene =D
I must say im quite looking forward to this- as the only teaching experience I have so was teaching a group of Middle-schoolers about basic Photoshop, and Art for Games.

just add me on Skype: tobias.breitenbach
and hit me up on thursday arround 1pm ure time =D
Dont worry if its a bit sooner or later.
I should be available almost all day on Skype and am not bound by the 8pm."

I am so sorry, since you said this is 20$ an hour for your time please give me your pay pal and I will send you an hrs worth of time. I feel horrible I missed this message (it is now 8pm my time so like 3am) . Again I am very sorry, I could do 1pm saturday my time again. I will mark it down AND check the inbox too here since it doesnt always tell me when I have a message waiting 🙁

You call the time and I'll be there. Mane sure I respond means I saw the pm 🙂

Ok, Will do.
I Think I should be able to tell when I have some time by Monday- latest.
So I'll write u again then.
Have a nice Weekend Pal ;D