I had to adjust a setup pose's bones, which of course messes up all the animation position data.
I tried to import the animation data from a previous save where the animation is correct, and the import succeeded, but upon entering Animation mode and trying to load the newly imported animation data, the program crashes with below log.
Can y'all update on what the correct procedure is to adjust a Setup pose while preserving the animation data? Thanks.
Spine Launcher 4.1.10
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2022 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Windows 10 Pro amd64 10.0
NVIDIA Corporation, NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070/PCIe/SSE2, 4.6.0 NVIDIA 516.94
Starting: Spine 4.1.19 Professional
Spine 4.1.19 Professional
Licensed to: *****, *****
Using customized hotkeys: hotkeys-1.txt
OpenAL 1.1, Default audio device
ERROR: An unexpected error has occurred:
[aioob] Index 64 out of bounds for length 64
at s.kPb.(:133)
at s.oHZ.(:170)
at s.kyl.(:33)
at s.inO.(:390)
at s.fSo.(:184)
at s.aDM.S(:111)
at s.rdK.(:53)
at s.aDM.S(:111)
at s.jkD.(:117)
at s.aDM.S(:111)
at s.jkD.(:117)
at s.EIg.(:285)
at s.aDM.S(:111)
at s.aDM.(:58)
at s.kMr.(:168)
at s.aDM.S(:111)
at s.aDM.(:58)
at s.kMr.(:168)
at s.aDM.S(:124)
at s.aDM.(:58)
at s.kMr.(:168)
at s.jkD.(:126)
at s.aDM.S(:111)
at s.aDM.(:58)
at s.waN.(:128)
at s.WKQ.C(:1019)
at s.EgJ.S(:487)
at s.VVR.run(:267)
The crash occurs when clicking the newly imported (blue-circled) walk animation in the Preview pane.