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  • 【要望】表示順序にフォルダの概念と、スロット毎の表示深度指定キーが欲しいです

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スロット表示順にフォルダの概念があれば、予め 手や前腕など部位ごとにフォルダを用意してアニメ中の表示順操作はフォルダ単位で行い、後から部位別に新規スロットが必要になった際には、フォルダへ追加することで、


~Translated from DeepL~

I would like to have the concept of folders in the display order and a key to specify the display depth for each slot.
Hello. Thank you very much for your support of Spine.
I am very happy to see the weight swap feature implemented in the beta version.


I've been wanting folders in the display order for a while now.
I recently learned that that has been added to the roadmap, so I wanted to submit a request again for the display order of the slots.
In addition to adding +1 to the roadmap above, I would like to request the following two items as future feature implementations.

■The concept of folders in the display order

 *The image is a figment of my imagination.

I would like to improve the visibility of the tree and also to collectively manipulate the slot display order by folder in the display order animation.
For example, if I create a "forearm folder" and put "forearm" and "bracelet" slots in this folder
The display order of the "forearms folder" in the animation will be manipulated by grouping the two slots, forearms and bangles, together.
I would also like to add slots to the produced folder later on the setup screen, etc., if necessary.

■Display depth designation key for each slot

Currently, the display order is controlled by a single key for all slots.
Changing the display order of one slot is not a relative record, but an absolute value of determining the display order of all slots.
Since this specification does not allow for small changes in the display order for each part, it can be difficult in some cases to modify the display order when adding skins, etc., as described below.

Therefore, I would like to request a specification where each slot has a display depth (z-value) and can be keyed on the dope sheet.
The image is that a keyframe of the display depth is added to the dopesheet with the slot name.
The order in which the slots are displayed in the tree means that the z-value can be increased or decreased.

■Background of the request and what can be solved by implementing the feature

This request was made because the current display order specification does not allow for the addition of new slots when new costume parts are added later.
This request comes from the background that it is very difficult to modify existing animations with the current display order specification.

For example, there is an existing 100-frame animation of a man with his arm behind his waist and not moving, and a sword that moves back and forth between behind and in front of a shield every 10 frames, regardless of the arm's position.
Then a new slot is needed for the "bracelet" costume differential as described above.
The placement of the bracelet slot in the setup is one above the forearm slot.

Since the forearms are in front of the hips in the setup, the newly created bracelet slots will need to be reordered to appear behind the hips.

Corrected the display order of the arms, and this arm has not been moved since then, so okay, that's the fix...

This is not the case.... Since the bracelet reverts back to its default display order in the next 10 frames, along with the sword moving to the front, I'm going to make a similar correction for the rest of the arms.
The same modification will have to be done manually for all frames where the display order was manipulated, except for the arms.
This series of work is required for all existing animations, and every time a new slot is needed for an additional costume, all existing animations will need to be modified again.
There is a method to prepare slots by display order in advance, and then turn them on and off without moving the display order from the setup...but this is not suitable in many cases depending on the part, so it is a problem.
We felt that such a specification in which all slots in the display order are managed with a single key would be difficult to improve by adding more skins in the middle of a project.

With the above background in mind
If the concept of folders for slot display order is available, it would be possible to prepare folders for each part of the body, such as hands and forearms, in advance, and use each folder to control the display order during animation, and when new slots for each part are needed later, add them to the folder.
If the display order can be keyed in the form of specifying the Z value for each slot, the modification of the display order would be greatly reduced by copying and pasting key frames.
It would be progressive if we could also duplicate z-values so that when duplicating slots, a dialog box appears asking whether to duplicate the attached operation key during animation.

I am sorry that this is a personal and poor request proposal, but I would appreciate your consideration.

Not at all, they are very nice requests! We appreciate the clear presentation and the separate explanation for why you want the new features.

For draw order folders, I agree with their usefulness. The main issue is the complexity for manipulating them. Creating and deleting folders needs to modify existing animations in a way that makes sense.

Currently when you add a new slot it goes to the top of the draw order. When you move the new slot in the draw order, it also moves in the draw order keys for all animations. You can often avoid changing every draw order key in every animation by placing the slot in the setup mode draw order.

There are situations where this isn't possible, for example when some animations need a draw order different from setup mode. This will be a problem even with draw order folders

Spine can't know what you want to do with the draw order when you add a new slot, so sometimes animations need to be modified.

For a z-index value for draw order, being able to key each slot's z-index means that the dopesheet would have many timelines. This isn't great for performance, though the timelines could be collapsed into a single timeline when exported.

I think z-index is also not great for usability. The many timelines don't directly correspond to the draw order, they set the z-index and the draw order is computed as a result. Looking at z-index values doesn't make it clear what the result will be.

I think draw order folders may make z-index unnecessary. One idea for folders is to allow keying the folder instead of the entire draw order. That means folders reduce the number of slots in a draw order key to a much smaller number. The current approach to draw order works pretty well for a small number of slots.

そんなことはありません、とても素晴らしい要望です! 分かりやすい表現と、なぜその新機能が必要なのかを個別に説明していただき感謝します。








>Spine can't know what you want to do with the draw order when you add a new slot, so sometimes animations need to be modified.

セットアップ画面で先の例のArm & Bangle フォルダ内に新規装飾スロットを入れるだけで、既存アニメーションの描画順修正はほとんど削減されます。







Translated from DeepL

Hello Nate. Thanks for taking a look at the request.
Glad to hear your opinion!

Spine can't know what you want to do with the draw order when you add a new slot, so sometimes animations need to be modified.
Yes, I agree. This is the improvement I am most interested in in this request.
I want to make it easier to modify the draw order that occurs in existing animations when you create a new slot, and
I would like to have some way to inherit or copy/paste the drawing order from slot to slot in the animation.

For example, in the previous example of the bracelet, we may receive a later order to add more decorations like this.
If the drawing order folder has a specification that allows folder-by-folder manipulation of the drawing order in the animation, we would like to be able to
If the setup screen allows for the creation of new decoration slots in the Arm & Bangle folder of the previous example, the modification of the drawing order of existing animations can be reduced to a minimum.
This would work if the animation was created in a folder-by-folder operation, such as creating an arm folder in advance and drawing the arm folder behind the hips on the fifth frame.

However, while folders in drawing order is a workaround, it is not perfect.
Folders that allow manipulation of the drawing order are a good preventive measure if the number of slots is prepared in advance, such as for costume decoration, but they are not perfect.
However, in actual development, there are many cases where it is not possible to anticipate in advance which part of the body will require a new slot.

In addition, there are cases where costumes using two slots for sleeves and the backside of sleeves need to be drawn on the back side of the sleeves behind the wrists, and therefore should not be placed in the same folder.
It is anticipated that there will be situations like this that cannot be handled by the drawing order folder alone.

The z-value suggestion is but one possible solution to that problem.
When duplicating a slot, the user can choose whether to inherit the drawing order operation during the animation.
Another approach would be to create folders not only by creating new folders, but also by inheriting the drawing order of existing slots.

However, in order to realize the goal of "making it easy to modify the drawing order" in a way that can flexibly respond to a variety of situations, it is necessary to
It would be most convenient if there were a way to specify keys for drawing order operations on a slot-by-slot basis, and a way to copy and paste them.

Currently, there is no way to copy and paste or inherit the drawing order from slot to slot during animation.
The later the animation is mass-produced, the higher the cost of modifying the drawing order when creating a new slot becomes.
I would be very happy if in the future a better feature could be implemented that would solve these problems! Any approach would be appreciated!

Thanks for reading this far.