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  • Asset Based Clipping Masks?

A common feature in most animation software is the ability to use a layer containing assets as a mask layer. In Spine I'm only aware of making a non-curved vertex mask, which is very limited functionally. Is there a way to set a node(s) or attachment(s) with assets as a mask layer for more complex and dynamic masks? Is this feature planned in the future? Right now a simple effect of a character popping out of a hole (think like a logo that would be floating with nothing around it) seems really hard because you can't accurately hide the parts that should be hidden. It will look really messy at the edge even with tons of vertex points.

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The same topic has been discussed in this forum a few times in the past:
Best way to animate eyes moving?
Precise clipping mask

As Nate replied in these posts, it's not that we don't have plans to implement that feature in the future, but unfortunately it will be some time as we have other things planned for the short term.

By the way, there are some animations of a character popping out of a hole made with Spine. You may get some ideas from this video:

As you can see from this video, most of the problems can be solved with the current clipping mask attachment by devising a way to separate the images.

I hope this will help you.

5 días más tarde

As someone who really loves masks and mask use, I have to mention that using clipping masks is so resource intensive in 2D game production that you should avoid them like the plague. Momentary use for some frames and very limited vertex numbers before then removing them is okay, just not for many polygons and not for many frames. It hurts to say this but you'll save time over having to go back and take your masks out of your characters and scenes before reanimating when you see how much it MURDERS your framerate.

Best to find workarounds with meshes and additional art. Can't stress enough how unviable it is after working for 2 years on a project that I helped troubleshoot Spine related issues on.

Yep, it can be deceiving how much effort is required to clip meshes with many vertices. Try to use a clipping polygon with only 3 vertices. You can make it very large, the size doesn't matter, only the number of vertices. Then try to clip as few vertices as possible. Try to clip only meshes with 3 or 4 vertices, or region attachments, as as few of them as possible. It can be fine when done carefully. If you make clipping polygons with many vertices, the clipping polygon is concave, and you clips meshes with tons of vertices, it's going to be a bad time on mobile. It can be fine for exporting images and video though.