Thank you for explaining about them! It seems like a lot of things worked better by using the track time instead of using track alpha to change animations, right? That’s an interesting finding.
The benefit of using the track time is much noticeable on your character model than my test model. Weighted meshes behave better when they are animated on a timeline as opposed to being a single keyframe.
I started using the track alpha because I saw it in a demonstration code and mimicked the usage. I had to research the Spine runtime documentation to find information about track time.
By the way, this change has also made the creation of the model much easier. It used to be difficult to make sure that the eye's mesh was clean when in the middle of the eye-open animation, but now it is easy to check and modify.
Awesome! I always wanted the creation process to be easy.
I think the animation of turning the face sideways could be improved, and I would like to modify it eventually.
Are speaking about your character model or the animation tracks setup in the Spine Vtube Prototype?