• Editor
  • spine: can add the shape vector?

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i wish to ask for spine: can add shape vector but create from spine? like as simple shapes: rectangle, circle, square..?

also: color fill, color stroke, style of stroke, gradients: linear, radial? shadow or blur, etc??

Spine doesn't do vector graphics at all, sorry. It does only raster graphics. This is mainly because rendering SVG or other vector graphics in games and other applications is difficult and takes more processing power than raster graphics. That's the same reason most games use raster graphics. Many other tools support SVG because they only need to render inside their editor

they don't provide runtimes for many programming languages and game toolkits like Spine does and they don't need to consider rendering performance in all those environments.

However, you can do something similar using meshes. For example, you can use a small image that is entirely white and create a mesh for it. You can then bind it to bones so you can bend it around, and you can tint it any color. You could build up a whole character using this technique and it would render accurately at different resolutions. There's a single color example here, where the growing rose is done that way:
(but don't watch the video any farther, cringe! :p)

14 días más tarde

thank you for reply.

i know what is spine but i want to know if something will can create from spine: raster shape or other modes?

see example video:

i wish to know about for spine what is can , what is not can..ok?


I've seen the video (why is the video in Italian? If you are Italian we can switch to it if it's more comfortable for you!),
You can recreate the UI shown in the video to some degree, but not with vectors inside the Spine editor, because those are not supported by it.

For example you can make the box stretch like suggested in this tip:
Spine Tips: double border

Also here's a similar topic where I put a downloadable project too:
Attache 3 vertice position to a bone position ?

If you want to have text, perhaps that's better achieved directly in the game engine, but I don't exclude also having it in Spine completely.

If you have any specific answers, feel free to ask! I hope these can help (: