Unfortunately Spine animation clips do not expose viewable or editable keys, sorry. Spine is not using Transform
based rotation/translation/scale animation, it uses it's own animation system. Only Spine events are set as animation clip events, so that Mecanim raises them as usual. The animation clip asset can be seen as a Mecanim-compatible wrapper which basically stores the animation name (a reference to the animation to be played) plus event entries for each Spine event.
OrenMillo escribióHow can I reveal all bones transform parameters such as rotation, position etc
You can enable the Skeleton Debug
window from the SkeletonMecanim
Inspector via the button Advanced - [Debug]
or right-clicking on the SkeletonMecanim
component and choosing Open Skeleton Debug Window
. Using this window you can inspect current bone values.
OrenMillo escribióand also scrub through animation clips and see the animation playing as I do
Is there any working tool for that ?
Unfortuantely there is no tool for that. While we intended to implement such a scrubbing feature, we had to abort the implementation of the feature due to the Unity API not allowing for a good reliable solution.