Hi there,
I'm having an issue with an animation on a higher track not appliying any mix at all (it snaps to frame 0 instantly).
My simplified use case is that I have an Idle animation on track 10, then track 20 is used for "secondary" animations such as raising an arm, carrying a tray, or whatever pose I want to use in addition to the base idle that includes the character breathing (so I don't need to include that on dozens of other animations).
So, apart from all the troubleshooting I'm trying to do, what I'd first need to confirm with you guys is if I actually understand how to play that new animation on the secondary, higher track.
Is it okay to use Set or Add, regardless of the current state of the track?
I mean, does it matter if I use Set with a track that is already playing an animation? Or if that is the case then I'd need to use Add if I ever expect any mixing happening?
The thing is, when I test how those multiple animations play simultaneously on the Preview windows on the editor, it doesn't look like I need to use additive at all. Both Set and Add modes seem to mix in all cases. But not in my project.
So, does it matter if there is something already playing?