• Runtimes
  • Animation for HTML5

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I am working in a Studio and they are planning animations and games on HTML5, so that's something to start looking into.

Need to know
1.Can we do mesh work?
2.What other precautions to consider doing animation and vfx etc.
3.How to export the Spine files?
4.Which runtime to be used in unity?
5.Any other points to consider?

Rajesh escribió

1.Can we do mesh work?

Could you perhaps describe in other words what you would like to do?

Rajesh escribió

2.What other precautions to consider doing animation and vfx etc.

I'm afraid this question is a bit too general to be answered reasonably. What topics do you have concerns about?

Rajesh escribió

3.How to export the Spine files?
4.Which runtime to be used in unity?

In regards to the Unity integration you would of course use the spine-unity runtime then, as the name implies 😉.

Actually, we want to go our games with HTML 5. So, need all information relating to this requirement
for example Can I do animation with objects converting to Mesh?
Can I use any of these runtime?
HTML5 Canvas
HTML5 Embeddable Widget

How can I export my animation file for these runtime?

You can see caveats with the spine-ts runtimes:
Notably spine-canvas doesn't support meshes (only experimentally), but spine-webgl does.

If you are doing something relatively simple, the Spine Web Player is the easiest way to display animations. If you are building a game, you may want to consider a game toolkit that supports Spine, like PixiJS, otherwise you'll have to build much of the supporting functionality needed by a game.

To use any of the runtimes you export JSON or binary data and a texture atlas.

12 días más tarde

Thanks Nate!
I will discuss with the team and will ask again if any point is not clear.

How can I install Spine Web GL?
Where to install it (in unity or not)?

How can I install Spine Web Player?
How can I check my animations here in Spine Web Player?

The purpose is to check my current animations in Spine Web Player but don't know how?

Need support!

You are preeeetty far off track. 🙂 There is no installation of Web GL, it's built into web browsers. The Spine Web Player runs in a browser. To use it, you use HTML and JavaScript. See the Spine player docs for more:
Spine Web Player