• Editor
  • Editor Windows Jumping in and out

I've got my windows minimising and maximising seemingly spontaneously - timeline, tree, graph etc - they all keep flying up to the little view shortcuts in the upper right hand corner, than out from them again, seeingly without me doing anything to cause it (it often happens while im scrolling through the timeline). It tends to happen several times in a row and really disrupts whatever I am doing at the time.

Anyone else had anything similar, or have any ideas what might be causing this?

(I'm on Spine 3.8.99 Prof and am not having these issues elsewhere.
(...had to crop the gif quite a bit as the contents of the file cant be shared. But it hopefully gives an idea what is going on)

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Wow, that's strange. The button left the of Views select box in the upper right of the Spine window does Minimize all views. If you are mousing around then you are obviously not clicking that. The only other way to do it is via hotkey. By default the hotkey is F9. Is it possible you have a keyboard malfunction? Or maybe some software emulating pressing F9 repeatedly? It sounds crazy, but there's not much else that could cause this. You could try editing your hotkeys.txt and clearing the Minimize all views hotkey or assign it to a different shortcut.

Well, I think it must be New Keyboard time - wiping out the hotkey didnt solve it, but unplugging the entire keyboard did! (Just for the record I've got an additional Mac monitor and Keyboard running off my PC laptop and it's the Mac Keyboard that is the problem. I dunno if this also might have any bearing on things)

Thankyou for the help, Nate.