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  • Grabbing wrong bone

I've had this happen a lot, it's a bit irritating when I select a bone from the tree view, and the try to drag it, it selects and drags another bone that is behind. Shouldn't it prioritize the drag handle?

Is there a way to force it to just drag the selected bone?

(I just thought of a tip that you can press ALT and drag anywhere on the screen, which is great!)

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Hello, I'm not seeing this behavior in the latest beta or stable. Could you please specify the Spine version you are using and the tool?

Spine highlights the bone it will select when hovering it. You can clearly see it does so also with the bone you end up moving. It looks like the tip of the parent bone overlaps quite a bit with theorigin of the next bone, and depending on where you place the mouse, Spine selects it instead of the bone you'd prefer to select.

What is weird is that usually hovering on the tip of a bone should display the bone lenght tool in the case of the translation tool, and a red icon to hel rotat a bone in the case of the pose tool, and I'm not seeing it in your gif.

I'm thinking there is no "Hover area" on the circle between the red and green arrow, and the reason it usually is draggable, is that you can drag anywhere on the canvas (which is great). I didn't know that before and usually click on the circle to drag. I'm on Mac OS 10.15.6 and 4.0.76 beta.

I was using the Bones/Images compensation, but it seems the same without them.

Spine tries hard to be intuitive when figuring out which bone you want. In this case you are over the circle icon of a bone, but also over another bone. You are actually closer to being over the other bone, so it changes the selection to that bone.

I'm wary of changing this, as there may be other situations where bones are very close and changing how this works could make it harder to select the bone you want.

Now that you know you can drag in any empty space to manipulate the selection, that probably greatly reduces this problem. Doing that also helps reduce fatigue in your mousing hand at the end of the day because you aren't making as many precise mouse movements.

If you do want to drag bones directly, you can try the Pose tool:
Tools - Spine User Guide: Pose tool
With the Pose tool the selected bones are prioritized when you hover the origin (the circle part), so you won't get the accidental selection of a different bone.

Erika escribió

What is weird is that usually hovering on the tip of a bone should display the bone lenght tool in the case of the translation tool

Only happens for the selected bones, that way it's rare to get it accidentally.

6 días más tarde

Yeah, dragging everywhere on the canvas totally solved that problem 🙂