Hi Mario,
I'm making a game editor, then at now for test I draw a basic texture, without nothing, no mesh, no animation. This could be considered a static element on map level
example of single texture of 1024x1024 pixel
"skeleton": { "hash": "sEE2IpGcZ2AnGO9uEumZ8iCtj91", "spine": "3.8.99"},
"bones": [
{ "name": "root" }
"slots": [
{ "name": "roccia-12", "bone": "root", "attachment": "roccia-12" }
"skins": [
"name": "default",
"attachments": {
"roccia-12": {
"roccia-12": { "width": 1024, "height": 1024 }
size: 1024,1024
format: RGBA8888
filter: Linear,Linear
repeat: none
rotate: false
xy: 0, 0
size: 1024, 1024
orig: 1024, 1024
offset: 0, 0
index: -1
trying to improve the performance I analyzed the MeshBatcher class and proposed these changes:
XNA - MeshBatcher improvement
and gained 20%
but it doesn't seem enough
is there a way to improve the rendering of simple static objects?