Legosky007 For the past year. Each time i'm importing .JSON file from PStoSpine script - it always missing textures. Nonmatter - if textures are in the same folder. Or they are in different folder. If meshes folder is called "images" or whatever. I even updated the script today. And tried it on PS19 and PS20. Same result. Is everyone doing this eachtime? Here is how i do it: Script settings: Import process: PS: Spine v. 3.8.99
Legosky007 Nate escribióWhat is the path for your Images node in the tree after importing the JSON file? Its to the textures of project that was created previously.
Erika Hello, I think you can solve it easily by opening the json you generate with Spine in any text editor, then looking at the first line: And replacing the long path with this: "images": "./images/"