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  • Spine crashing on start (Mac)

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I have installed Spine for the first time today and it crashes every time I try to launch it 🙁

I am running mac OS catalina 10.15.6 and downloaded the newest spine install (after first trying with the old one and failing 😉)

When I launch the bar goes up to full without a problem but then the loading icon comes and it doesn't respond anymore. Spine log weirdly enough doesn't say anything..

Spine Launcher 3.8.97
Esoteric Software LLC (C) 2013-2020 | http://esotericsoftware.com
Mac OS X x86_64 10.15.6
Downloading: Spine 3.8.97
Update complete.
Spine 3.8.97 Professional
Licensed to: *****, *****

I have tried to delete the folder, but that didn't change. Haven't had monitors plugged / unplugged recently and also turned of automatic graphics switching ... which was all suggested on other posts I found here ^^

Getting a bit lost now for solutions and soo eager to finally start learning Spine :/ 🙂

Attached I have also the apple error report, maybe that helps..

Thaanks so much for your help!

Sorry you are having trouble. Thanks for the log, though it doesn't give any clues as to why it doesn't start. As you probably found in other posts, the first steps are to try to minimize other software that is running when Spine starts, especially antivirus and "display link" type software. You might also try disconnecting external monitors. You can delete your Spine user files to reset the settings to their defaults:
Spine Troubleshooting: User files

We've been somewhat plagued by interactions with other software sometimes causing Spine to hang on start on Mac. We hope that we've rectified this in our v4 launcher. If you are still having trouble, we can contact you privately to give that a try.

You could also open the "Console" app and search for the Spine crash log.

Thanks for your replies..unfortunately I couldn't find a solution yet..
I have tried it without anything else running, after restart. I have deleted the Spine user Folder. Still keeps crashing before opening... I have attached the screenshot of when it stops responding.

@Mario hmm..I was looking there couldn't find anything related to spine. Will try and finde more again.

Hm, from the stack trace in your original it looks like Spine just freezes for a long time and gets eventually killed by macOS. One silly thought: is your network connection enabled when you try running Spine?

We have a fix for the Mac hang on start problems in 3.8.98, which is now available! This may solve all the similar problems, such as Spine not starting sometimes on Mac if some specific other programs are running.