Mario 您能否提供更多信息? 什么是Spine Viewer WPF? 您想将骨架导入什么游戏引擎? Could you provide more inforamtion? What is SpineViewerWPF? What game engine are you trying to import the skeleton into?
RHS 使用 Spine 版本:3.6.39 Spine Viewer WPF 链接: 我希望导入skel数据时,能正确将图集内容对应在骨骼上 像这样 ↓
Mario 非常抱歉,我们不是Spine Viewer WPF的创建者。 您能否通过问题跟踪器与作者联系,网址为: I'm very sorry, but we are not the creators of Spine Viewer WPF. Could you maybe contact the author via the issue tracker at: