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Help whit the bucle
I need help with the loop. I don't have any keyframe that reaches frame 40, but still stretches the loop to that frame. What parameter should I move to correct the reproduction?
I have 2 Skeletons in the same project, but both animations that are running reach frame 30,
Hello, please try to press space to deselect everything. This will allow to see all the keys in the dopesheet for the active skeleton.
If no key pops up in the first row of the dopesheet on frame 40, then check if you have any dopesheet filter on (that you need to deactivate), or if you hid bones in the hierarchy (you will need to activate them as hiding them in the tree also hides them in the dopesheet).
Please let me know if you still encounter problems after trying these solutions!
It can also be a deform key on an attachment that isn't being shown, eg because it is in a skin. You can enable Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show AnywayShow all skin attachments
in the tree so you can see all the dopesheet rows for deform keys in skins:
Hello guys ,
I tried all the options they give me but they didn't work out. What I did was make a new animation and bring the keyfram there, after that everything worked normal.
Thanks anyway