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cocos2d-x for android bug
cocos2d-x 2.1.4 runtime.
android 2.3.3
It does not display correctly when you view in Android.
What is the cause then you will need to download the project from the following URL.
Worked fine. I repacked your texture atlas using Spine. Note you'll need this:
See here:
http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-using ... in-changes
I'm going to the set.
You can display correctly on iOS, but it does not draw only android.
Could you not to display confirmation?
I haven't had a chance to set up cocos2dx for Android. There is this issue:
https://github.com/EsotericSoftware/spi ... /issues/33
Can you try setting the initial capacity of the CCTextureAtlas in spine-cocos2dx.cpp from 4 to 128? Also be sure to update to the latest code, there have been fixes in cocos2dx recently.
It was this problem.
It now displays correctly when increase to 128 capacity.
Thank you all!