• Unity
  • Freezing SkeletonAnimation

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I have scripted some Timeline playable which along of its duration, I want the SkeletonAnimation to temporarily stop updating whatever AnimationState it is holding. (but I am not replacing the AnimationState, I will just make a new one and apply onto the skeleton)

Since update is the regular Update() and to prevent that I need to .enable = false the component, it together make the renderer stop which is not desirable.

I notice that I could use freeze on SkeletonGraphic to preserve its timeScale and make it stop updating. But there is no freeze on SkeletonAnimation. To freeze animation I must change the timeScale to 0 but that way I lose the time scale I intended to use after the timeline stops. Is there any reason freeze is not implemented on the SkeletonAnimation?

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Since update is the regular Update() and to prevent that I need to .enable = false the component, it together make the renderer stop which is not desirable.

Why does it make the renderer stop? When you just disable the SkeletonAnimation component, then the MeshRenderer should still draw the previous state, the same was as freeze=true would.

Oh..... sorry. I was confused with SkeletonGraphic where the renderer is the same thing as that component.. .enabled = false didn't clear out the mesh like you said. I got it working now! Thanks!

No problem, glad you got it working!