• Bugs
  • Load Specific Beta version

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Hi Guys,
I am trying to load the beta 3.7.42 because the client required this one to use the audio, but it keeps loading the latest beta. Is there any "trick" to load an specific version?

Hello! just go to the Spine settings (press F12) and instead of "Latest" choose the version you prefer:

Then save the new settings and restart Spine!
(btw I got the wrong version number in the screenshot but I just tested with the one you indicated and I confirm it works)

Thank you Erika, that was my first try, but for any reason I didn't have all versions listed...I am trying on another workstation now.

Thank you

It shows only the versions you have used on that installation in the past. You can click Other... and type the version you want.

12 días más tarde

Hello again julianocastro!
Little detail, but it could help, you need to also type "beta" after the version name to ensure it will be loaded. It must be written just like the names that you find in the list. Try typing exactly: 3.7.42-beta in the "other" section, save, restart Spine.
I just tested it and it works!