Vadym spine crashes after auto binding meshes. I m choosing few bones because all bones in list it dont want to bind and after I do auto weight and it stoping working and I have to restart and disable in @task manager@
Erika Hello! I see no crash in your log, and I tried to bind a mesh to bones, then use "auto" to auto calculate the weights, but it worked just fine for me. Could you provide more detailed steps, a gif/video of the problem please?
Vadym Hello! Crash wasn't happening . Spine just freezed. Can't find needed version( or now it somehow works fine. I've done weights by hand and now its ok . But yesterday I tried it few times and only then decided to write. Next time I'll do better presentation). Any way thanks for your answer! :sun: )
Erika Thanks for letting us know! If I could have reproduced it, then it wouldn't have been a problem at all, but unfortunately this wasn't the case!