I am having problems with getting started in UE4. I did everything like in: http://esotericsoftware.com/spine-ue4 documentation and when I try to load the UE project (spine-runtimes-3.6 -> spine-ue4 -> SpineUE4.uproject) I get the message like this:
And if I click that I want to rebuild the project I get this:
This is my placement of Plugins folder and then the spine-c that I did like in the documentation:
I also created my own project and put the Plugins folder in it but the result was the same.
Can someone please help me?
The tools I am using:
Windows 10
Unreal Engine 4.19.2 ( I also tried with 4.18.3 and 4.17.2 and it gave the same error).
Visual Studio 2017 ( I also tried with VS 2015)