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  • My Hardcore Tactical RPG Featuring Spine :D

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It has been a long road (and it will be longer, 4 years and counting) but my game, Grrbls, now in a talk-aboutable state.

It's a hardcore tactical RPG and all the characters are using Spine (and the sprite attacher).

Here's a sneak peak of some the images:

(this screen shot is out of date but it gives you a good general idea)

I have started a dev blog at http://www.Grrbls.com so if you'd like to follow along I'd be more than happy to hear from you 🙂

Also @Nate and @Pharan you will 100% be getting a copy of this for all the help you provided, so thank you!

The graphics look very promising! We want the gifs! :rock:

I'll probably get in trouble for posting this as unpolished, so we'll keep it here as our secret. This is TOP SECRET in dev stuff, but here's a sampler 🙂

(I can't seem to get the img tags to work to embed this)

I fixed it for you! just pick "gif link" 😃

The pace seems pretty nice! let us know of your progress 😃

Cool! I've wanted to make a game like this for a long time, even made a prototype. Stupid Spine and all the stupid features it needs! :p The GIF looks cool, though I feel like the idle animations have so much motion than it's not super clear who is attacking. Could maybe use more exaggerated attack animations? I usually like exaggerated animations anyway. It's common to look at a character alone in the editor, where you can zoom in and play it back in slow-mo, and make great, super detailed animations. However, how the animations are used and in what environment can sometimes mean that effort may not be as appreciated by the end user as the animator might have guessed. Exaggeration is similar to using blur frames in that it might look odd slowed down, but look great in-game and at full speed. I like numbers 6, 7, and 8 here:
It can be hard to see this as being an awesome looking way to do a head turn:

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un año más tarde

@Nate yes one of our issues was exactly that there is too much movement so we have a much more subtle idle animation.

I'll pass this info along to the animator.

It's just me (game designer and coder) and the artist so we have our time stretched thin. But we do aim for that level of polish 🙂

@Nate can you pm me emails of any devs or mods for spine that would want a free copy? I now have a very private, very buggy, very feature missing version on Steam (windows only) and I want to share the love with the Spine family since this game wouldn’t be as good without this feature 8)