Hey guys, I haven't been on this forum in a long time.
I built 3 apps with Starling/Feathers/Spine back in 2016. They are Enterprise Pharma apps so no app store
I used Spine for some very cool medical animations.
This was back in early 2016 so I was using around Spine 2.1* and earlier versions of Starling/Feathers. It was before the 3 update.
I need to update these apps and I would like to take advantage of the new enhancements in the Spine editor.
Is Spine-AS3 and Spine-Starling still being actively updated?
Also, are the Spine AS3 examples using the latest updates? I will need to use those to understand whats changed since the 2.*
Any advice on upgrading is welcomed too!
Thanks guys! Spine rules!